#026 – Casey Ellis: I Enjoy Thinking Like a Criminal

Casey Ellis is founder and CEO of Bugcrowd. He started life in infosec as pentester, moved to the dark side of solutions architecture and sales, and finally landed as a career entrepreneur. He’s been in the industry for 15 years, working with clients ranging from startups to government to multinationals, and awkwardly straddles the fence of the technical and business sides of information security.
Casey pioneered the Bug Bounty as-a-Service model launching the first programs on Bugcrowd in 2012, and has presented at Blackhat, Defcon, Derbycon, SOURCE Boston, AISA National, and many others. He is happy as long as he’s got a problem to solve, an opportunity to develop, a kick ass group of people to bring along for the ride, and free reign on t-shirt designs.
In this episode we discuss fixing the Internet, bug bounty programs, designing software with security in mind, IoT security, changing security training and recruitment, responsible disclosure, entrepreneurship and starting a company, and so much more.
Where you can find Casey: