#075 – Brian Martin (Jericho): The Hacker Mindset

Brian Martin (a.k.a. Jericho) has been poking about the hacker and security scene for over 22 years, building valuable skills such as skepticism and anger management. As a hacker-turned-security whore, Jericho has a great perspective to offer an unsolicited opinion on just about any security topic. A long-time advocate of advancing the field, sometimes by any means necessary, he thinks the idea of ‘forward-thinking’ is quaint; we’re supposed to be thinking that way all the time.
No degree, no certifications, just the willingness to say things many in this dismal industry are thinking, but unwilling to say themselves. He remains a champion of security industry integrity and small misunderstood creatures.
In this episode, we discuss starting as a phreak and phone systems, BBS hacking forums, sharing knowledge, calling people out, cybersecurity skill shortages, understanding the adversaries mindset, PCI compliance, and so much more.
Where you can find Brian: